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All blog posts

Banks need to manage digital transformation in a more flexible way

The digital transformation of banks has been a demand for several years. The European Central Bank, through ECB Banking Supervision, carried out an extensive survey of 105 institutions and spoke with their managements and advisors and concluded that while steps have been taken mainly towards a customer-centric approach (1/3 of customers basically use a mobile phone, while half of loans completed digitally), we are still a long way off and the rate of adoption of new digital models is extremely slow

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Managing Scale is critical for startups as well as corporates.

Scaling-up a start-up is the vision of every founder and usually he /she does whatever it takes to secure the exponential growth. Same with large corporations or banks or even governments, which introduce digital transformation projects and need to scale them up so they become the new business norm.

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Fintech startups need to move faster

Fintech was used the last few years to easy and fast VC money. In Europe alone, boosted by pandemic, 2021-22, more than $50bil were invested, with the largest chunk being in deals over $100mio.

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